Is It Bad To Put Wireless Router In Bedroom?

Is it bad to put wireless router in bedroom? Wi-Fi has become a mainstay in all of our houses and places that we visit. In fact, nowadays, finding a place that doesn’t have Wi-Fi is considerably disappointing. Many places in the world are completely Wi-Fi activated, meaning you can find signals in any room.

In your workplace, in your university, in school, and in the house, the Wi-Fi signals are often ever-present. Both business and leisure are both so strongly connected to the internet that the average person finds it difficult to keep their hands off their phone even when they have something else they should be doing.

Almost 90% of the functionality of the modern smartphone is contingent on internet access. If your mobile phone isn’t connected to the internet, it loses its “smartness” and just turns into a standard mobile device. If you think about it, you will realize that your router is used virtually around the clock, all day and every day. Even when you are asleep, there is a strong chance that something might be downloading in the background.

Your phone will probably continue to use the Internet from time to time to check for messages and run over the air updates on different mobile apps. Many developers schedule updates in such a way that the phone automatically starts upgrading at night. For instance, WhatsApp, which is arguably the world’s number one communication tool in the world, uses a backup feature that initiates at 2 a.m.

So, as you can imagine, even when you are asleep, your mobile phone and other devices are constantly establishing connections to the Internet. The most important factor that most people take into account when determining where to place the router is their own convenience. They just want to keep the router in an area from where they can access it easily and a place that allows them to get smooth coverage.

However, you need to understand that the placement of the router is very important. If you live in an apartment complex, you will realize that there are several networks being detected by your devices. That is simply because the walls are not thick enough to prevent the signals from your neighbor’s router from entering your house. So, in the following few paragraphs, we shall talk about if it is suitable enough for you to sleep in a room that is overlapping with Wi-Fi signals, and especially one that has a router in it too.

How Does Wi-Fi Work?

But first, let’s talk about the basic functionality of Wi-Fi. How does it work? In the simplest of terms, your Wi-Fi works by transmitting information over a wireless network. It uses radio frequencies to send and receive signals. Different devices, such as your phone or your laptop, have a built-in Wi-Fi receiver. This allows it to communicate with the router to send and receive signals. There are two major frequencies used by modern Wi-Fi devices; 2.4 Ghz and 5.1 Ghz. Both of these fall under the electromagnetic range, and there is conclusive research that small, but consistent doses of electromagnetic fields can prove to be harmful to the body.

How Does Wi-Fi Affect Health?

In most cases, people don’t really understand the effect that Wi-Fi can have on their health. In fact, you might not realize it, but your router is probably going to have a much bigger effect on your health than you are willing to understand. Numerous studies have been published in the past, indicating just how debilitating the effects can be. They range from mild to potentially life threatening. Some studies have shown that you might experience the following effects due to prolonged Wi-Fi exposure:

Premature cellular death, also known as apoptosis, is quite common. Cells die all the time, but their rate of death is accelerated when you are exposed to Wi-Fi. While cell death is common and occurs naturally, you need to understand that if cells start dying at a rate faster than which they are generating, it could cause more problems in your life.

There is also considerable research that shows a serious decrease in the sperm count of a person due to exposure to Wi-Fi. Men with a lower sperm count will find it harder to conceive a child. Some participants in a study that was conducted revealed that it wasn’t just their sperm count that was affected; it was also the motility of the sperm, which further complicates matters and makes conception even more difficult.

On top of that, you are probably going to suffer from oxidative stress, which is also regarded as cellular damage and premature death, and it can eventually lead to cancer. Wi-Fi signals also affect the production of melatonin in the body, which leads to sleep disruption and also makes it difficult for the average person to get a good night’s sleep.

Is It Safe To Sleep Near A Wireless Router?

The answer to that is that no, you shouldn’t sleep near a Wi-Fi router. If you have one in your bedroom, you should turn it off when you fall asleep. You might be exposed to Wi-Fi signals throughout the course of the day, but if you are sleeping constantly in a room with a router, the signal strength is going to be at its peak for at least the 12 hours that you are in.

In some cases, this might lead to insomnia as well. There are some pretty simple ways by which you can reduce your exposure to Wi-Fi. Obviously, the best thing to do is shut off the power to your router so you don’t have to worry about signals at night. But, if there are other people in the house who use it when you are asleep, you might want to consider moving the router to a different location altogether. Find a location such as a drawing room or lounge so that you won’t be constantly exposed to the signals when you are in your room.

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About David

Hey there, I'm David. I recently joined the Spacehop team from Tech Devised, and love writing about all things TECH! When I'm not writing, you can find me enjoying the great outdoors with my golden retriever Lucy or enjoying a pint at my local Irish pub.

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