How To Hack Someone Whatsapp Using Chrome For Free

In this guide, we’ll show you how to hack someone Whatsapp using chrome for free. Hacking someone’s WhatsApp account could give you access to all of their conversations and their media as well.

It’s incredibly personal and considering the sheer number of security features that Facebook has introduced on WhatsApp, it’s definitely not easy for someone to access personal data such as this.

If you were thinking that this tutorial could be carried out remotely, you are mistaken. There is incredible security on most WhatsApp accounts and you won’t be able to access it this way.

Instead, you must think out of the box. First of all, you should know that hacking someone’s WhatsApp account is completely unethical and immoral.

However, most people hack such accounts for a variety of reasons. For instance, if you have a doubt that your partner is cheating on you, you might want to take a look at his or her messages and find out whether your partner is actually cheating on you or not.

Or, if you want to keep a check on your children but are not sure about how to approach them, installing a hack on their WhatsApp accounts is a choice available to you as well. In case your children fall into something suspicious and dangerous, you will be able to save them just in time. So, let’s talk about the different steps involved.

How To Hack Someone Whatsapp Using Chrome For Free

What Do You Need?

In order to perform this hack, you will need a few things. For starters, you will need a smartphone and you are going to need WhatsApp installed on it, obviously. Apart from that, you will also require access to Google Chrome, the world’s most popular Internet browser.

The next step is to make sure that both Google Chrome and the WhatsApp Messenger are updated. Once you have checked for that, you can then click on the three dot option located on the top right of the Google Chrome interface.

You will see a bunch of options on your screen. Select the “Request Desktop Site” option on your device. Once you tick it, Chrome will automatically request access to the desktop site for every site that you visit.

All of the websites that you browse on Chrome will be in their desktop variant. Simply put, what this means is that you will be able to access WhatsApp Web on your mobile phone directly.

The Important Step

Once you have everything ready, the next step is a bit difficult. This requires you gain access to the victim’s phone for a brief amount of time. You will only need the phone for around 10 seconds. Open the victim’s phone and go to WhatsApp. Then, go to Menu and select the WhatsApp Web option.

You will be required to scan a QR code in order to gain access to the device. You can do all of that directly through your device as well so there’s no need to worry. You will be able to gain access to his or her WhatsApp Web and take a look at all of the conversations.

Until the person decides to log out of all devices on his or her own, you will be able to keep a check on their messages. This procedure is pretty simple and it’s not exactly a hack per se but it will give you access to the other person’s WhatsApp account without anyone suspecting at all.

However, you should know that from time to time, you might lose connection. If it’s a home computer, then you don’t have much to worry about at all. This is just a brief guide to help you hack someone’s WhatsApp account directly.

Best App For Spying Whatsapp

A more convenient and effective way of accessing someone else’s whatsapp account without them knowing is by using a spy app such as mSpy. With mSpy, you can monitor somebody’s Whatsapp, SMS, call logs and even track their location without them knowing!

We highly recommend mSpy as a very effective tool for spying on your partner, children and anybody else that you want without them knowing or suspecting anything!

Another powerful tool is out on the market recently and we recommend giving it a look as well. It’s called eyeZy and can monitor Whatsapp as well as a whole host of other tracking features.

Why Would You Want To Hack Someone’s Whatsapp?

There are many reasons why you would want to hack someone’s Whatsapp account. If you want to monitor the kind of messages that your child or kid is sending or receiving, hacking their Whatsapp account would be the best way of gaining access to these messages.

The main reason behind monitoring your kid’s Whatsapp messages is to ensure the safety of both your family and friends. However, other reasons for monitoring Whatsapp messages are equally important as well, and it may not necessarily have anything to do with your family or kids.

Here are three solid reasons for hacking into someone’s Whatsapp account:

To Protect Your KidsSince children and kids often use Whatsapp to chat with their netizens, you can’t know whether these netizens can turn out to be harmful to your kids.

If you can hack your child’s Whatsapp to access the chat history and monitor the kind of messages being sent to and from your kid’s phone, then only then can you make informed decision about whether they are safe or not.

To Monitor Your Employees – It’s a common habit for most employees to use social apps like Whatsapp to communicate with their family members or friends during working hours.

As an employer who is keen on protecting your company’s secrets while still ensuring maximum efficiency of your employees, you can decide to hack into your employee’s Whatsapp accounts without them knowing.

This is very important if you want to find out which employees are lazy and unproductive or which ones are revealing your company’s secrets to outside sources.

To Recover Deleted Whatsapp Messages – It’s quite common for people to forget the login details to their Whatsapp account such as passwords, or even accidentally delete important messages from their Whatsapp accounts.

In this case, hacking your own Whatsapp account can enable you to retrieve or recover the original information that you erased by mistake.


While there are other methods you can use to hack into the Whatsapp accounts of your kids, friends or even employees, this article has only described the method of how to hack someone Whatsapp using chrome for free.

And unlike other hacking methods which require paid tools or apps, this method is totally free to use and only requires you to have a smartphone with both Whatsapp and chrome installed and you’re good to go!

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About David

Hey there, I'm David. I recently joined the Spacehop team from Tech Devised, and love writing about all things TECH! When I'm not writing, you can find me enjoying the great outdoors with my golden retriever Lucy or enjoying a pint at my local Irish pub.

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